Thursday, April 21, 2011

Shaka Smart Gettin That Street Cred!

According to Times of India, "The Chicago Cubs said they wanted VCU coach Shaka Smart to sing "Take Me Out to The Ballgame" during one of their games this season, but now they've added throwing out the first pitch, too. On May 8, when the Cubbies take on the Reds, Smart will sing."

There we go Shaka Smart! This is where it all starts. From white house visit to Cubs first pitch, what's next first hoops coach on the moon? This guy is taking over the world! Well we just found UConn's replacement coach for when Calhoun gets the boot for his 500 swept under the rug violations that will be uncovered in the next few years. Shaka is getting Elvis status. This guy is just growing by the second!

I'm just praying he doesn't go Mark Mallory (1:31) on us at Wrigley.

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