Ok, before I even start I'm not saying Dirk Daddy is better than Larry Legend... they played in two different eras of basketball, so it is tough to compare, however I'm going to state my case of why I would take the 7 foot German over Bird if we threw all the NBA greats into a draft today and started them out rookie year to their careers finished... I break them into 6 categories of basketball, SCORING, PASSING, DEFENSE, REBOUNDING, INTANGIBLES, DURABILITY
1. SCORING: For their careers, Bird 24.3 points per game, Dirk 23.0. Dirk however has already scored more points in his career, and you know he has another few great years left barring injury, which hurt Larry. *Also remember* In the 1980's the number of possessions per game was much quicker back then, which gave Bird the better opportunity to score.. ADVANTAGE: EVEN
2. PASSING: Bird hands down. Not even a question. However being a SF and having Hall of Famers McHale, Parrish, and DJ never hurt Bird while dishing the ball. Who has Dirk had for a true hall of famer.. Nash (before he was great), Kidd(after he was great)... Never had them all at once. ADVANTAGE: BIRD
3. DEFENSE: Bird is only 6'9" while Dirk is 7'0". Bird got the luxury of playing SF and being the "floater" on defense because Parrish and McHale were both great defenders. Bird usually played a slower, weaker player on defense which allowed him to roam around. Bird was not a good on ball defender by any means. Dirk usually gets stuck on a PF or sometimes the Center in which again he isn't a great defender, but he can defend both well. ADVANTAGE: DIRK
4. REBOUNDING: It's basically a wash. Bird being smaller makes me want to take him, however generally players were smaller when Bird played. ADVANTAGE: EVEN 5. INTANGIBLES: (i.e. mvp, playoffs, championship, etc): This is the most interesting category, Larry finished his brilliant career with 3 MVPs, 12 All Star Appearances, 3 Titles, 2 finals MVP. Dirk so far has 1 MVP, 10 All Star Appearances, 1 Title, 1 finals MVP. ADVANTAGE: BIRD (at the moment)
Now: Contrary to common belief, Dirk actually becomes a BETTER player when it counts as he scores almost 3 PPG more in the playoffs than his career regular season average, grabs about 2.5 rebounds more than normal and shoots FT even better when the game is on the line. Larry Legend is still good, but not materially different from the regular season. In terms of raising your game during the playoffs….ADVANTAGE: DIRK
6. DURABILITY: What separates great players from really great players is the ability to be a superstar for a really long time. When it's all said and done Dirk will probably reach the 30,000 point plateau. Boston Writer Bill Simmons explains here. Who else is on that list, KAJ, Malone, Jordan, Wilt, Kobe, Shaq. By that time Larry Bird will probably be outside the top 30 scorers of all time. ADVANTAGE: DIRK
Results: IF, big IF, Dirk Daddy remains healthy for a few more seasons, he will surpass Larry Bird as one of the best basketball players. The guy does not get enough credit at all... I'm not sure if it's because he is foreign or if its people are just so amped about the dunks and flash of the current NBA. (aka LeBron, Wade, Durant, Kobe)
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