Deshawn rocking the three goggles |
Deshawn Stevenson was
arrested for public intoxication Tuesday at 10:30 PM. The best part is you know Stevenson was on almost a 48 hour binge. Guy has no idea where he is when the cops arrive and why should he. Guys an NBA Champ. The best is when the article is titles "Deshawn Stevenson arrested for acting like Deshawn Stevenson". That just gives him baller status. I don't care if you didn't even score a point. The guy just goes hard, in everything. Guarantee his plus minus was like +30 for the series. This is why the Mavericks won. Every guy on their squad is an absolute animal.
P.S. I wonder if he was wearing them 3 goggles when the cops showed up.
HAHA! Love it