This is what happens when all the behemoths choke in the tourney. You get a team that plays phenomenal defense but can't throw a rock into the ocean from the beach, and a team that has relied on one man to maintain almost half the team's scoring every game. Matt Howard I like the way you play, but taking three bombs when you're the only guy on your team that can move people down low. You just shattered my heart. I was hoping Butler would win, and when Mack hit the trifecta to end the half I thought they had a good chance. Instead this game was like watching No armed kids barely losing to the Perkins School of the Blind. People enjoy good defense, but it is unbearable to watch terrible offense. I had homework due at midnight so I went upstairs two minutes into the second half. I came back down with three minutes left. I don't think I missed much. Man I hope next year's game can at least eclipse a combined 100 points. That's all I ask for.
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