Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eastern Side All Stars

The league has been split to two sides for the All Star Game that takes place tomorrow at 6. Here's the ten warriors who were voted in:

Dan Nagle- Dan was the facilitator for Thumbs Up. He ran the point and was a shar shooter from beyond the arc.
Doug Schlehuber- Dougie Fresh is one of the most complete players on offense. He can literally do it all. Dougie is a finalist for Offensive Player of the Year.
Eddie Hannon- Eddie was a great match up for No ID No IDea. He has a great inside out game on offense and can match up with anyone on defense.
Jeff Moore- The Commish is just honored to be playing amongst the people. Most of the 15 readers we have probably think I rigged the voting. Maybe I did, Maybe I didn't.
Joey Wilkes- Joey is a premier defender in the NSHL. He also is one of the best transition players in the league.
Malik Little- Malik is an offensive animal. His deep three game and step back are amongst the best in the league.
Pat Hannon- It's great to see the brother dynamic in the All Star game. Pat the elder enforcer is just a monster in the paint. You can't move. He gets boards by the dozens.
Phil Rizzo- Phil is a big presence for No ID No Iea. The 6'4 swing man is great in transition and swats shots all day
Royal Healy- The 6'4 behemoth was the only bright spot for Kung Fu Panda. Royal lead them to victory in their only win this year against the Dirty Burg.
Steve Burrill- Steve is probably the best pure shooter in the league. He can just stroke it from anywhere.

The West team will be unveiled tonight after the championship game

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