Saturday, August 13, 2011

Western Side All Stars

The All Star Game was great last night, but I'll post about that latter. Here's the Western side from the All Star Game:

Chad Earls- Chad is one of the top defensive players in the league. He's redirecting shots every game, and has a great inside out game on offense.
Charlie Beatrice- Charlie controls the blocks on offense with strong put backs and is always all over teh boards.
Chris Brooks- Brooks for two years in a row, has put the Dirty Burg on is back. If they don't recruit some better players, they could be saying good bye to him.
Dan Hopewell- The Silent Assassin this year AKA Death Stroke was Dan Hopewell. Dan is one of if not the best shooter in the league. He hit dagger after dagger in the championship game Thursday.
Dave Glassman- The big bodied rebounder is the perfect addition to any team. He understands what needs to be done and uses his talents to perfectly match that.
Dave Martin- Dave is Mr. Do it All. He moves without the ball, finds anyone who's open, plays great defense, and can shoot from anywhere.
Dylan Carter- Dylan has a great long range game to go along with a strong transition game.
Jared Lang- The big enforcer is a mismatch nightmare. He's a raging bull with the ball and no one wants to get in his way.
Jordan Weygand- The hometown hero has missed a beat since he's been back. Jordan had no rust in yesterday's game.
Kurt O'Sullivan- The heart of the NSHL Kurt just brings a smile to everyone in the league. The general on the court, Kurt makes everyone better on the court. He is the best shooter who never shoots.
Matt Hooper- The lengthy shooter is a key component to Cougar Bait. He also can cover anyone at defense with his size and semi athleticism.
Tim Laconte- Tim sets the pace for Super Villain Squad's offense and has been a lockdown perimeter defender.

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