Saturday, August 13, 2011

NSHL All Star Was a Good Time

The season had some bumps in the road with weather and some teams lack of flexibility for make up games, but the All Star Game was a nice way to cap it off. Seven guys from each side were able to attend. for the East side there was Joey Wilkes, Malik Little, Eddie Hannon, Phil Rizzo, Dan Nagle, Royal Healy, and the Commish. The West side was Jordan Weygand, Chad Earls, Tim Laconte, Charlie Beatrice, Dylan Carter, Kurt O'Sullivan and Chris Brooks. It was a good relaxed setting with actually a great game to go along with it. The score was 20-19 at half and ended with the East winning 40-37. I wanna say thanks to Mehdi Ahmadi for manning the grill and helping with the cooler. In years to come I hope the league can evolve more with the All Star Game having some more events like maybe a thee point contest, horse competition, and/or a dunk contest. I took a couple videos and made a Youtube Channel for the league. There's a link to the channel on the right side bar. Here's two of them right below.

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