Thursday, March 3, 2011

In Search for Writers

Especially when the season starts, the Commish would like some more people to also post for the blog. This way they can post recaps of their games because obviously I live for this league, but I won't be attending every game. You don't need Pedro Gomez skills, but also if your greatest writing asset is getting a C minus on you junior year English mid term this job probably isn't for you. Also don't think writing for this is some overbearing burden. If you only wanna do the minimum, all you have to do is a post once a week on your game. Max 20 minutes a week. Don't go thinking you gotta show up to other games with a pen and a notebook deciphering plays or losing sleep over witty one liners. Just give us the score, who dominated the game, and what kid probably shouldn't show up next week if he knows what's best for the team. If you're interested send the Commish a message or comment on this post.

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